Reading Fiction or Reading Character. The Different Modes of Reading in the Novel 'Northanger Abbey' by Jane Austen

von Thalia
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Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Anglistik - Literatur, Note: 1,3, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Department of English and Linguistics), Veranstaltung: Exam Preparation, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Northanger Abbey was drafted in 1794, completed nine years later and finally published posthumously in 1818. It was ¿[w]ritten in response to contemporary fiction¿ and Austen herself defended her ¿outdated¿ dealings with Gothic fiction in an advertisement she had composed earlier, stating that ¿since it [the novel] was fin ...
Marke: GRIN
Maße: 21.0 x 14.8 x 0.3 cm

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